Plan Governance for

403(b) Plans 457(b) Plans 401(a) Plans Governmental Plans

Increase employee participation and engagement in your 403(b), 457(b) or 401(a) Plan. Simplify your operational processes and implement essential plan protections.

What we do

It’s our mission to improve the experience and outcomes for retirement plan participants. We do this while also mitigating liability for your plan and its leadership. This is why we created PlanScope360™.  

PlanScope360™ is a plan governance platform of Verity Asset Management, located in Durham, NC. We’re a Registered Investment Adviser with a single focus: improving the financial well-being of our individual and plan sponsor clients.  

Plan Governance

The PlanScope360™ Plan Governance platform works to increase employee participation and engagement in your plan, while seeking to simplify your process and provide the protections your plan needs. 

PlanScope360™ seeks to create a new standard of industry best practice in Governmental 403(b) and 457(b) plan oversight. The six tenants of Vynntana give you the opportunity to make your plan the best it can be.

Experienced Leadership

Your team of retirement industry professionals, each with extensive plan management and participant experience expertise

Al Otto

National Director,
Plan Governance Solutions

Rob Mclean

Chief Governance Officer,
Retirement Plan Services

Amy Simonson

Vice President,
Finance and Operations

Jae Di Lorenzo

Participant Engagement

Increase plan engagement, grow enrollments, and adopt industry

best practices for you and your plan.

Speak with a member of our team to learn what we can do for you